Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream

By | 10:00 AM Leave a Comment

Summer is almost over and we're coming into the rainy season, what better way to end it with a homemade ice cream. This weekend why don't you try and make your own ice cream. That's right, make your own vanilla ice cream with 5 simple ingredients
and you won't need to splurge on an ice cream maker.

Ingredients :

1 Cup of whole milk
1 cup of whipping cream
1/2 a cup of caster sugar
1 vanilla bean or 3 tsp of vanilla essence
5 egg yolks

Step 1

Over a medium heat boil the milk, whipping cream and the vanilla essence in a medium pot. When it's boiled run off the heat, cover the pot with a lid and wait for 10 minutes.

Step 2

While the mixture is being cooled, add the sugar into the egg yolk and give it a good whisk.

Step 3

Turn on the heat and set it to a low temperature. Add in the egg yolk and sugar mixture into the pot and constantly stir using a plastic spatula (5-10 minutes).

To test if it's ready run a finger down the spatula. If there is a clean slate or a clean channel, turn off the heat and proceed to step 4.

Caution: if you over heat the mixture the egg will start to scramble and we do not want that!

Step 4

Transfer the mixture into a heat proof bowl and place the bowl over a bowl of ice. This is too quickly cool down the melted ice cream before you place it in the freezer.

Step 5 

When the ice cream is at room temperature transfer it into your preferred ice cream tub and place it in the freezer.

Step 6

Since we are not using an ice cream maker, after 30 minutes in the freezer give the mixture a generous whisk and place them back in the freezer. Do this about 4 times (2 hours). This is to prevent the ice cream from crystallising, so you'll get a smooth ice cream texture.

And you're done!

I know it is a little time consuming but I promise you it's worth the trouble.


- If you over heat the mixture aka scrambled it, don't throw it away, just continue the steps. After placing it in the freezer for the first 30 minutes, give it a stir and the texture will ice cream smooth.

- You could lessen the amount of sugar if you're not into the overly sweet taste.

- Try it with different flavours. Chocolate would be a good one, add the melted chocolates with the milk and whipping cream.

- Drizzle chocolate over it, nuts, fruits etc


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