'Cause I'd take the bullet for Joycee

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To be honest, I had a pretty tough childhood. It was of blood, sweat and struggles. I know how to read, was enrolled in taekwondo and started kindergarten all at the age of four. When I get into schools, I had to participate in almost all co-curricular activities, joined as many sports as possible while maintaining good grades or I am going to get into some serious trouble. I was also a gymnastic athlete for MSN which requires me to go for training from 3 p.m to 6 p.m six days a week. Sucks, huh? I had to actually do life when I was not supposed to.

The reason why I had to do all of these is the same as why I managed to ace it all; because of my mum. Back then I always question why can't I have a normal life like other children but now that I’m all grown up, I understood why she was being brutal on me. My brother and I used to call her a lioness to explain how strict she was. Since we are not wealthy, I don't get things easily or for free even until now. I need to contribute (excel in exams/win a competition) to get rewarded. My mum taught me to be grateful with what I have and make the best out of it.

However, I won’t be where I am today or who I am now without all the exposures she’s given. She constantly reminds us to always do the right thing regardless what people say or think of you. Be an individual, fight for your passion. Don’t bother about someone else’s business because they might go through things that we don’t understand so it is not our right to judge. Just live your own life.
Aaww she's so cute & she loves Dsineyland more than we do
My lioness is 47 years old now, and she is the coolest mum ever. The older she is, the crazier she gets. Most people would think that we’re friends because of her personality and how she acts. She’s both open minded and conservative at the same time (weird, I know). She loveeessss travelling; backpacking to be precise. Last year alone we have visited 8 countries because apparently she doesn’t get tired from walking even at that age.

My mum is a secondary school teacher, a national coach for Paralympic athletes, and obviously a Wonder Woman. She is the most incredible person in the world and her inner strength is beyond believed. Losing my dad three years ago has profoundly changed our life and I honestly do not know how she handles everything in her plate. She is nothing but AMAZING.

Dear, Julaidah Ahmad. I want you to know that you’re a rock-star. I know we have our disagreements but I love you so much and I would trade my life for you. Your happiness is all that matters to me and thank you for being such a wonderful human being. There are really no words to sum up the sacrifices and pain you have to go through for our family and you deserve nothing but the best. Here’s to more adventures together. Happy Mother’s Day, my beautiful and heaven sent Mama.

Your one and only awesome daughter,


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