Book Review: The Fall Up – Aly Martinez

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Second chances does not only refer to a second chance in love or a second chance in love. In The Fall Up, Sam is a heavily tattooed man who is always by the bridge. Levee Williams is a celebrity, seen at the bridge for 3 days in a row. Starting from a simple conversation, these two hit it off pretty quickly.

Sure, she claimed that she was not about to jump, but deep down, she knew that the need to jump is there and for that, she is forever grateful for Sam who was there and kept talking to her to keep her mind out of it. Being a celebrity puts Levee in the spotlight most of the time. So her spending so much time at the bridge would cause some chaos.

This is a really fun book to read just because of Sam and Henry, Levee’s best friend (Who is also very gay). Just imagine Henry’s excitement when he met the gorgeous Sam! Their wit and charm makes the book worth reading. Apart from that, Levee would make you change your mind on how celebrities behave just by how sweet she was in the book!

What made this book our choice of book in the second chance theme we have going on this month that this book talks more about how Sam and Levee has a chance to move on from what happened in their life before. I’d tell you what happened to them before, but then you’d accuse me of spoiling it for you. So run over to your closest bookstore and find this amazing book!


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