Don't Let Your Relationship Define You

By | 11:00 AM Leave a Comment
Being in a relationship means that you respect and care enough about each other to be together. It can be for any reason that you are together, but you should NEVER be in a relationship just because you succumb to peer pressure. Just because your friends are dating, does not mean that you have to do the same.

When you’re in a relationship, you’d obviously want it to last forever (and ever and ever…) However, there are times when you should know that you have to back out. Especially when they start pressuring you to change yourself. At first, it’ll be some small tedious stuff that you wouldn’t even think twice of. For example, making you change your clothes or even cutting your hair. Those are actually signs or warnings for you to leave.

No? You’re still gonna make it work? Well, it’s entirely up to you. But most of the time, it’s about to go downhill from there. After small things, they’d force you to take drastic changes. They would start choosing who you can be friends with and they would also take up most of your time so you wouldn’t be able to see anyone else.

This type of partners is called the possessive ones. They would want your entire life to revolve around them and them alone. But you can’t control their lives. That right there is why this is unfair. They can judge you and change you, but you can’t do the same to them. They can have friends, but not you.

Slowly, you would lose your friends because you are so caught up in pleasing your partner that you’d completely ignore those who actually care about you. These friends of yours would most probably be able to understand your situation at first, but if you keep blowing them off every time they need you, they would be fed up and leave you.

So take my advice and leave those who want to change you to what they see of you, regardless if its good or not. You are perfect in your own way and if they don’t agree, then leave. A relationship is made of compromises. If they are threatening you with something, then you should know that the relationship is not healthy.

So your partner might look like Brad Pitt or even Megan Fox. But if they treat you like shit, then their looks doesn’t matter anymore. Truth is, you might end up with a guy that has absolutely nothing to his name and you can be happier than with a guy who has everything. Look at your options. Don’t just date a person that only thinks of you as a prize because you are worth so much more than that. 

Find someone who loves you because of you. Because at the end of the day, that's all that matters.

Photo By Huffington Post, Golden Scope and 4ever


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