Stay Safe From The Haze

By | 10:00 AM Leave a Comment
Guess who’s backkkk? Well, the haze that is. This time around, it came from Riau, Indonesia due to an uncontrolled forest fire. Unfortunately for us Malaysians and Singaporeans, we are also suffering from the fire. In just one week, most states in Peninsular Malaysia has recorded unhealthy Air Pollution Index (API) record, ranging from 70-180 and what makes it worse is that the index is only getting higher day by day.

The haze carries a lot of matter that is dangerous for your health such as carbon monoxide, dirt and other stuff. So, we have to take precaution in order for you and your family to stay safe and healthy during the hazy days.

Stay Indoors as often as possible
It is obviously impossible to stay indoors 24/7 but it is better if you cancel any plans of going to any outdoor concert happening soon. Most of the haze obviously occurs outside. So by being indoors, you would prevent yourself from being exposed to the haze. To those with children, do not wait until the government announces a state of emergency before pulling your children from school. However, staying indoors doesn't mean that you can't have fun! Indoor camping is an example of interesting things you can do with your family without leaving the comfort of your home.

Wear a mask
Wearing a mask might not make you look as cool as you want to be but it is very necessary in order for you to not inhale and haze in to your lungs. Since the haze originated from smoke, inhaling it is equal to inhaling second hand smoke which is very bad. Too much of it and you can develop lung cancer. A suggestion is a N95 mask. It might look weird with its shape, but apparently, this type of mask filters the most amount of air that you will inhale.

Consult a doctor
If you are already feeling sick with a) Sore Throat b) Running Nose and c) Throat Irritation, it is safe to say that you are in need of a trip to the doctors. The reason being is that you need to prevent anything from becoming worse. Oh, and those with asthma are advised to have their inhaler with them at all time!

Drink Lots of Water
During the haze, the risk of you being dehydrated is high because of the lack of clean air around you. Other than that, drinking water allows your kidneys to remove the toxins that you might have absorbed. Avoid drinking coffee since caffeine actually tends to absorb the water in your body.


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