Kane:se team's college essential.

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A (cute) planner

Photo via iheartorganizing

The most essential back to school item that you need is a planner. Yes, and a cute one too. Who wants a boring planner, right? (But it’s okay if you have a plain planner. You can always decorate it yourself!) A planner will help you stay organize throughout the semester. The way you organize it is totally up to you. Do it your way, what’s best for you, AND stick to it. Keeping a planner will not only help you getting the grade that you want, but it can also help others too. It shows you are a reliable and responsible person; giving others good reasons to trust you and even depend on you. You can achieve a lot of things by keeping your life organized. Don’t worry if it doesn’t go as planned, it’s still important to have a plan in the first place. Good luck!

Ps. You can find cute and affordable planners here; notbooknotbuk.

The Lucky Pen

When college comes to mind, the only thing I make sure that I'm equipped with is my lucky pen. I'm no superstitious chick or anything, but this pen deserves to be called lucky because I found it on a table in an empty classroom one morning, thus being lucky enough to be given a home by yours truly. There was a goal to be met last semester when I decided to not use money to get any stationary. I survived solely on this pen to do all the writing for me and I am so proud the ink is still bearable for me to still use it this semester. You readers might think this is ridiculous; not getting stationary to go to classes, but I call it the ultimate college experience. Try it now and save money for other essential things like going to the movies, or food, yeah, to live. or just movies. Remember, where there is a lonely pen in empty classrooms, make a home for them in your pencil cases. Have a great new semester!

Your Own Personal Wifi!

Being a college student means that you need to have access to the internet (Especially now since the world has gone high tech). No matter if you are using a smartphone or a laptop, internet is essential. Most places offers free wifi to their customers or students. But as we all know, free wifi sucks. It’s great for people who are travelling since they don’t have to buy a new sim card but is it good for students who are rushing to send their assignment at the 11th hour? So the easiest solution is *drum roll please* A WIRELESS BROADBAND! Now, almost every telco company carries at least one type of wireless broadband that you can purchase. Browse through your options because some comes with a contract, some offers faster internet or some gives you a higher quota. With the numerous amount of telco companies in Malaysia, finding the perfect one for you is easy! And an added benefit of owning this awesome device is that you don’t have to purchase mobile data for your phone anymore since a wireless broadband allows you to connect to up to 10 devices at the same time! (Cool right!) So get your ass moving and head on over to any telco company and start looking at your options!

Your trusty water bottle.

Bringing a bottle of plain water everyday to college should be one of your necessities. It’s always a good idea to sneak in the extra 8 ounces of glass water that you should actually be taking a day.  You can infuse the water by adding a slice or two of lemon, grapefruits, oranges, cucumber, strawberries . . . the list is endless. Not only will it aid your digestion but it's a good way to lose a couple of kg's.  It can also help you save a couple of bucks, you could always go to the water cooler for a refill. The thought of saving the planet by reducing the number of plastic bottles is not a bad idea. 


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