Full proof internship etiquettes

By | 12:00 PM 2 comments
Internship is a crucial step for college students or individuals to gain work experience before post grad job search. It's not enough to just get an internship, you have got to impress your employer and perhaps secure a job with them. These are some of the tips that we've curated to help you make full use of the opportunity.
  • Know what to expect 
You have to have an idea of the kind of tasks that you will be expected to do. Besides the actual learning experience that you’ll gain, don’t go weirded out when they ask you to make coffee, buy lunch or run errands for colleagues; this is normal, all interns go through it. Remember, every task you do will be counted for.
  • Own up to mistakes
An internship isn’t a smooth sailing ride unless you’re a perfecto. You are bound to make a couple of mistakes. Don’t panic! If you’re caught, admit to the mistakes and provide a reassurance that you will not repeat it. This will show that you're a responsible intern. Also do try to avoid unnecessary excuses.

  • Take the opportunity to ask
You might be intimidated to ask your employers or colleagues about things so as to not seem like a total lost cause. They love interns who are interested to learn and are not afraid to ask. It shows that you're motivated and have a genuine interest in the job. The faster you know about the in and outs the better you'll be at doing your work independently. Although, if you're unsure about a given task, try and find the solution yourself first, you don't want to be called a spoon fed baby.

  • Be on time
Coming early will give you time to plan ahead for the day. Also manage your work accordingly so that you'll be able to submit it when it's due. If you come early and your boss is around then you might get an important task that will contribute to your resume. Remember, the early bird catches the worm!
  • All eyes on you
When you’re doing an internship, employers are watching your every move regarding your work ethics and the actual work that you do. Some are just waiting for you to slip up. So minimise errors if you can. Usually you will be assigned to a supervisor so their recommendation to the boss will weigh a lot.
  • Be wary of your social media
No, they are not going to do anything to your accounts but they will observe what you post online. Nowadays, your social media accounts can also be a part of how they see you as an individual. So when doing your internship, don't trash talk them on your social media or complain about the workload that they give you. You never know who's reading it. 
  • Be proactive
Bring forth ideas to the table during meetings or suggest your ideas to co-workers. Don’t just be a wallflower, this is your time to shine and show them what you can bring to the organization. Also spend less time idling. Working can be tiring and that extra chill time is tempting but ask your supervisor first if there is any work that you can assist with. Usually If they don't have any for you then they'll just ask you to wait until you're called upon.
  • Employer’s Feedback
This is an important tip for your self growth with regards to building your skills. Don’t be afraid to ask them for feedback from time to time about your progress. They can provide insights on how you are doing so far. Feedback can be good and bad. So take them as constructive criticisms. It gives room for you to improve yourself.
  • Express interest on getting hired
If you're really keen about working with the company, show your eagerness to work with the them. Work hard and build a good rapport with the organisation. The next time you apply for a job they'll remember you. Also having a good relationship with your co-workers during the internship period is crucial. Their recommendations can ensure you a permanent job with the company if you’re thinking of joining them. 

2 comments: Leave Your Comments

  1. Million thanks, it's definitely worth the read. :)
