Book Review: Paperweight - Meg Haston

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What do you know about bulimia and depression? What do you really understand about these two illnesses? Well in this book, readers will enter the mind of Stevie Delisle, a seventeen year old girl who is suffering from both illness. To make it worse, Stevie’s father placed her in rehab for 60 days.

However, in her mind, she knows she will not last 60 days. She is aiming for only 27 days. Why 27 days? Because the date will be the one year anniversary of her brother’s death. And because of that, she believes that that will also be the date when she will die as well.

Regardless of her plans, she didn’t account her bubbly roommate, or her shrink that is willing to go the extra mile to help her recover. Will she actually commit suicide once the 27 days are up? Well, you’d have to read it to find out.

Reading and reviewing this book is difficult for me because as a teenager, it hits me where it hurts the most. Honestly, I think some girls are closet bulimics because it helps them feel good about themselves. It shames me to say this, but so was I at some point of my life. While Stevie was dealing of bulimic and depression due to her brother’s death, I dealt with it just to make myself feel good.

This book is brutally honest and raw. It hits you at all the places that will shake you to the core because it tells you what will happen to you if you continue the dark path of bulimic and depression. It also teaches you on how to deal with these illnesses in terms of advises you can give to those you know who are suffering.

Depression is not the end of the world or the end of you. If you are suffering, reach out to someone whom you can trust and tell them your problems. It might not seem as a big of a deal, but by doing so, you would unconsciously unburden yourself and you will think of it less. Never bottle your problems because if it is not treated correctly, it might explode soon enough.


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