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You're not the same, so neither are we. (but you knew that already)

We are super excited and happy to announce that we have undergone a you might have noticed we have rebranded! We've been enthusiastically working on creating a new brand for you over the last few months; it’s youthful, vibrant and reflects Kane:se’s growth and originality. 

More importantly, it has been designed to enhance your online reading experience by keeping you engaged and emotionally connected. We're very happy with it and are confident that you will be too. There is so much for you to explore on our new website. Get to know wonderful talented people from around the world, learn useful fashion and beauty tips, and so much more.

You’re not the same so neither are we, that’s why we rebranded! We are always striving to find new ways to tailor our magazine to suit your everyday needs…that’s why we think outside of the box. This is represented in our new logo:

There are so many things for you to see including a clean new look! There is even more to come but we don’t want to give away all of the surprises just yet! As always, if you have any questions or comments, or would like to let us know what you think, we would love to hear from you.

Happy browsing!

The San Diego post-hardcore quartet is back with their latest album "Misadventures" after a four-years long hiatus. This band that has gained millions of fans throughout the years again proved their undeniable talent and mad instrument skills.

"Misadventures" consists of 11 songs is less heavier than Collide with The Sky in terms of sound yet didn't stray away from Pierce The Veil's music aesthetic. According to Vic (vocal, rhythm guitar), they made this record wanting to top the last one like they always do every single time.

“We weren’t going to stop until we achieved that.”--Vic

From left: Tony, Mike, Vic, Jaime

Fun fact: Each song has their own true story and an illustration with meanings to accompany it. The cover of "Misadventures" is a combination of all illustrations that represent every song in the album.

This goes to show that the band actually meant what they produced instead of only chasing for the fame and fortune which they have made clear in the song The Divine Zero (third track).

Pierce The Veil will be on tour starting this June and let's hope they will announce a South East Asia tour as well because we're sure some of you can remember how epic it was when they came to Malaysia with Sleeping with Sirens in 2013, right?

To get better insights on "Misadventures" visit their interactive website here. It's so cool, you won't believe it!

Everyone has their own preference on their skincare routine. So, today, we will be talking about our favourite routine which is also one of the simplest routine ever! There are only 4 steps in this routine and it would be insane if you can't follow it!

It is really important to cleanse your face daily. By doing this, you would be removing dirt that was embedded in your face after a long day. You can do so by using any brand of cleanser that is most suitable with your skin type. Apart from that, you must also exfoliate! While cleanser cleanses your face, exfoliating (or scrub) goes deeper in to your skin and removes dead skin cell. But remember; only exfoliate once or twice a week. Too much exfoliating will damage your skin.

It is very essential for you to tone your skin with a toner. Again, we cannot give you a specific brand of toner because at the end of the day, it all depends on your skin. While cleansing cleans your face from dirt, toner would balance the PH level of your skin and it can even shrink your pores! Toners are basically a primer for your face but instead of makeup, it is for your skincare. To tone, all you need to do is pour some toner on to a cotton pad/ball and just pat it all over your face. It is so easy; you should be able to do it with no problem.

To some, they skip past moisturizing because they assume that their face is already oily, putting on moisturizer would only make it oiler. FALSE! Our face needs good oils but we excrete bad oils. It means that the oil we see in our face after a long day is bad oils, but we need good oils that come from moisturizers to maintain our face. However, before purchasing a moisturizer, determine the type of your skin first. This is because with different skin type, you would need different moisturizer. Those with oily skin should go for water-based moisturizer while dry skin should go for cream-based moisturizer.

We are the unlucky ones who live in a country whose climate is hot and humid. So it is very important for us to protect ourselves from the sun. If your skin is sensitive to the sun, (e.g. easily sunburned), it is crucial for you to use a sunblock that has a higher SPF level such as SPF100. This is to ensure that your skin would not have the chance to be exposed to the sun. It is better if you find a suitable sunblock for you because you wouldn’t want to ruin your gorgeous face by having unattractive tan lines! To those girls who are wearing hijab, please make sure that your sunblock is spread thoroughly because you wouldn’t want tan lines on your forehead or your cheeks!

*Just FYI, Argan Oil is very good facial oil. So you can try to wear it before you wear your sunblock. Make sure you let it dry before you wear your sunblock. Just wait for a week and see the miraculous results! If you want to see better results, during that week, stop using toners and moisturizers! That way, there is no doubt the results came from the Argan Oil.

So you can see how important it is for you to maintain a skincare routine in order for your face to be clear of blemishes. While makeup would look great on you, if you’re using heavy makeup every day, it would be great if you could go once a week without makeup. This is to allow your skin to breathe and avoid breakouts.

We can’t pin point you to a specific brand of skincare because at the end of the day, it’s your skin and some products that works great to us, might not be good for you. Using the wrong products can lead to breakout which is definitely something everyone would want to avoid.

At the end of the day, all you want is to have a flawless and glowing face. Follow these steps and you will achieve that!\

So everyone knows about the hype that is Kylie Jenner’s lip kit right? Well if you don’t, then you must have been living under a rock! The youngest Kardashian/Jenner sister created these lip kits which includes a liquid lipstick and a lip liner of the same shade, because a lot of her fans kept on asking her what color of lipstick she was wearing, which brand and so on. Honestly, we think that as a Kardashian/Jenner, she obviously has the business mind just like her sisters and saw a business opportunity and she grabbed it.

Thus, Dolce K, Candy K and True Brown K were created! She made it really obvious how hard she was working for the lipsticks and it shows in the results! The moment the lip kits went on sale, it was sold out in a minute.  Yes. You did not read it wrongly. It was sold out in a minute. 60 seconds (Or less if we’re not mistaken). So obviously a lot of people were pissed. Some even claimed that she did not even have a lot in stock. So to prove to the haters, during the next restock, she was live snapchating at the same time. She showed everyone the number of people who was on the site, and it was crazy. There were more than 100 thousand people trying to get their hands on the lipsticks! So no wonder it was sold out so quickly.  Until now, her lip kits have never lasted longer than 20 minutes the moment it went on sale.

The original shades: Candy K, Dolce K and True Brown K

Kylie has been trying so hard to make everyone happy, so she is restocking more and more each time it goes on sale and she is also trying to keep each restock as close to each other as possible. Right now, she has a restock going on every fortnight. But unfortunately for us Malaysians, her lip kits are not being shipped to Malaysia. So if you want to get your hands on it, you would have to use the services of a personal shopper or get a US address and have it sent to you. But mind you, shipping from a US address would cost you a bomb! So it’s either better for you to get friends to join in your shipping or get other items and combine the shipping to make it worth your money!

From left to right : Posie K, Koko K and Mary Jo K
So our Beauty writer managed to buy one of the fast-selling lip kit. Let’s see what she has to say about this sought after lip kit!

Well first of all, the packaging of the lip kit is so cute! Kylie designed it so that it mimics as liquid dripping down the side of the bottle and she also created her name wrapped around it. That way, people would not mistake the lip kit as someone else’s. To all those thinking, why is the lip kit so expensive, well you should remember that the kit comes with one full sized liquid lipstick and also one full size lip liner. In pictures, the bottle of the lip kit seems so small but it’s actually kinda big! Oh and if you were wondering, YES, it is Kylie's lips on the front of the box!

Now for the challenge of how long it would stay on our lips, I tried eating. Normal lipsticks would glide right off once I have a couple spoonful of food in. But let me tell you this, Kylie’s lipstick STAYS ON! Yes this is amazing! Even reviews from all the other users of this lip kit rave the fact that it is so long lasting!

This lip kit is also so lightweight that most of the time, I didn't even realize that I was wearing anything! This is so different than other liquid lipsticks which has this really dry consistency that irritates the users. So having this as a new alternative is wonderful. 

The latest release: Kourt K
Apart from the food, I swatched a bit on my hand and cooked dinner, washed the dishes and shower. After all that, the swatch is still there! Heck, it’s still there the morning after! This really boggles my mind because it’s just so good!

So for now, the fact that there is no direct shipping of this amazing product to Malaysia, I don’t see anything wrong with it. Here’s hoping Kylie would keep on creating new colors because what started out with only 3 shades, now has 8! Oh and ICYMI, she has a contour and eyeshadow palette coming on soon! She’s been hinting at it on her snapchat and her ig account. Let’s all hope these are as good as her lip kits!

Ryder is the 4th book in the Slater Brothers series. He is also the oldest out of the 5 of them. But just because he is older, does not mean that he is free from the issues plaguing the family. Throughout the whole series, Ryder has been with Branna even before Bronagh was with Dominick. In fact, their relationship was what threw Bronagh and Dominick together.

But what nobody knew was that Branna and Ryder were good at keeping secrets. Their relationship was not as what it seemed like. They no longer are the couple who is in love with each other. In fact, it has been months since they even slept in the same room.

There were a lot of secrets that Ryder was keeping from Branna. Such as why is their shared account running out of money? And where has Ryder been going every night, leaving Branna alone every night.

As for Branna, there is only so much that she can withstand before she hits her limit. So how does this fare for this couple? Are they heading towards breakup land? Or can Ryder save this relationship? If you wanna know, grab a copy of RYDER now!

In my opinion, this book was a bit fast paced compared to the other books. I guess this was because you could see that there are problems with the couple in earlier books. However, the twist in this book would kinda shock you. What it is, you’d have to read it to know what it is!

In truth, I can’t blame Branna for wanting a baby. Especially considering she is 10 years older than her sister and her sister is already building her family.  If it was me, I would’ve been angry with what Ryder was doing too!

But all in all, I applaud Branna for standing up for herself. All ladies must be able to do this. In front of an attacker, snatcher, rapist, but most importantly stand up against the one you love, especially if you know that you would be better off without them.

And on another note, it is very very important for the ladies to take up self-defense. This is not so you can boast to others that you know this skill, it is for your own safety. With how dangerous our world is now, it’s better to be safer than sorry. 

In case you missed it, 5 Seconds Of Summer (5SOS) has finally graced our shore last Wednesday. The concert was held at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre with Paperplane Pursuit as their opening act!

All of 5SOS’ concerts comes with Soundcheck Experience option which is limited to only 500 tickets per venue. One of our writers managed to snag one of those precious tickets and is alive to tell the tale!

For those who don’t know what Soundcheck Experience is all about, it is basically the ticket holders coming in to the venue 2 hours earlier to listen to the boys play a couple of songs and ask a few questions as well. However, cell phones, cameras or any sort of photography devices is strictly not allowed. During the Soundcheck, a few people were told to leave by Jeff, one of the head security of the band for disobeying the rules!

Michael Clifford, Lead Guitarist, Vocals
The band started the Soundcheck with Vapor, one of their songs from their latest album, Sounds Good Feels Good. Then they took a seat in the middle of the stage and just started talking to the crowd. They were very chill and answered about 5 questions before they performed the second song, Wrapped Around Your Finger. After the song ended, so did the Soundcheck experience.

The band kicked off the concert 2 hours later with the intro of Carry On before moving on to Hey Everybody. The moment they came onstage, the crowd literally had a burst of energy and was screaming from the start of the concert all the way till the end. The boys definitely made up for being almost 30 minutes late!

Calum Hood, Bass, Vocals

Due to the fact that there was no Asian Leg during their first headlining tour, Rock Out With Your Socks Out (ROWYSO), there was an equal amount of songs played from their first self-titled album as well as their second album. To be honest, I think the venue was shaken so hard when 5SOS started playing Disconnected, Amnesia and Heartache On The Big Screen, just to name a few.

Luke Hemmings, Guitar, Vocals
It was amazing to see how Luke Hemmings was all over the place. His interaction with the crowd definitely got the crowd moving and grooving to the songs! To make it even better, you can actually see how happy he is doing what he loves most.  We truly believe it when they said we were the best crowd so far!

“You guys are definitely the best looking crowd we have so far! I want to apply for permanent residence here!” Said Michael Clifford during the concert, a definite highlight of the concert for most of the fans, especially the ladies.

Ashton Irwin, Drums, Vocals *Sorry I don't have a better picture of Ash :(

During a recent Q&A session in Indonesia, when they were asked why Asian countries weren’t in the previous tour, Ashton Irwin and Calum Hood both said that they were not sure of their fan base here. Now that they have seen how epic us Asian crowds are, they are definitely planning on coming here again!

No doubt, all fans returned from the concert with sore throats and missing voices, but it was worth the hassle of coming hours earlier just to get a good spot.

It took them 5 years to finally come over and frankly, we believe that we made a great impression and hopefully the boys will be back really soon!

Photo Credit : Hitz FM & Twitter

Everyone need a simple makeup do whenever they are in a hurry or they just want to appear simple and sweet without over doing it. Fret not, we did a simple and easy makeup tutorial to help you with that. We hope you like the makeup look and don't forget to tag us if you did a redo of the look. Can't wait to see the results on you!

Pinterest worthy hanging planters never looked so cool. Decorate your room by hanging your plants instead of having them on the table. We tried DIY-ing it and we’ll tell you that Macramé can look super complicated at first glance (we thought so too) but you’d be surprise on how quick you can make it.

You will need:

A spool of yarn/string/old t-shirts (thick enough to hold the weight)
Potted plant

Step 1: cut your strings to 8 equal lengths. We made about one arm’s length. Have them longer so you can have extra length. Don’t worry if it’s longer than you’d expect, we’ll tell you later on.

Step 2: Gather them together and tie a knot. This will be your base.

Step 3: Divide the strings into 4 pairs.

Step 4: Our pot is small so we went about 10 cm down from the topknot. Tie the same knot for each pair.

Step 5: Now to create a square base, you’ll need to tie a knot on a new set of pairs by splitting the original pairs. Go down about 10cm from the previous knot. 

Knot the second and third string together, the fourth and fifth cord together an then knot the first cord to the last one to create the base for the pot.

Step 6: Tie a loop at the remaining strings. Adjust them to how long you want it to hang. Cut off any excess.

Step 7: Place your potted plant on the base and Voila!

Wouldn't life be more interesting if we actually know what purposes we bring? Okay that’s deep but imagine dying, but still being able to walk amongst the living. Izombie gives you a glimpse of how sometimes second chances can come with repercussions.

When medical resident Liv Moore goes to a party that becomes a zombie feeding frenzy, she ends up joining the living dead. Despite her post zombie pale complexion, she tries her hardest to be pass as a human and in order to quench her thirst for brains, she works in a local morgue as a coroner officer where she can easily get her zombie hands on brains of corpses delivered there. She later then discovered her zombie powers; with every brain she fed on, she possesses their memories. With this new purpose in her (living dead) life, she poses as a psychic and help solve their murders alongside a detective.   

This humorous television show will bite your heart into loving the story plots and amaze you with how Rose Mclver (Liv Moore) acts as different characters in every episode. This show would not let you down, it will spice your taste buds with various recipes on how to cook brains. They are in their second season so be sure to catch up if you are still way behind! Who knows, Izombie might make you hunger for brains as well, that is always a plus, no? Okay it isn't but this is a must watch as Kanese gives it 3.5/5 stars.

Ever wonder what piece you need to enhance your look? We have the solution for you. It’s called outerwear! There are many types of outerwear that you can put on in this all year long summer climate and we have selected 5 looks that would fit different moods. All you need are basics; white shirt + black skinny jeans / ripped jeans and we’ll show you how your outerwear can work wonders!

1. Parisian Chic

Being a Parisian means staying elegant and simple. We have chosen a Duster Coat inspired outerwear to complete the look and keep in mind, it’s best to keep your colour palette pastel. You can always pair your look with killer boots for that ‘wow’ factor.

2. Glam Punk Rock

We’re pretty sure everyone has a denim jacket in their closet. Though most people would go for the rugged look, we decided to step it up a notch by adding a little bit of glam to it. Put on some metallic dark lipstick, glitter headscarf and lots of rings and voila! You smell like teen spirit!

3. Babe on-the-go

Of course the trick to travel is to pack light. But that doesn’t mean you can’t stay stylish while you’re on the move. Inspired by M65 aka ‘field jacket’, the above look makes you stand out from the crowd with the right selection of colour (monochrome is getting boring, btw) along with a pair of Mary Jane. What makes this a perfect piece for travel are the pockets that allow you to put your stuff in like passport, boarding pass, earphones etc. 

4. Outdoor Enthusiast

The love for windbreaker seems to have swept youth over their feet in the past couple of years. Made from waterproof and light material, it is perfect for those who enjoy outdoor activities. Try to go for brighter colours and structured design if you’re aiming for a clean-cut look.

5. Casual Beau

Cardigans are so versatile. In this case, we have chosen a wrap cardigan to match with our basics. It is comfortable and easy for styling. Pair it up with your stilettos and you’ll look sweet and classy! For tips on how to wear a wrap cardigan you can click here

Photographer: Izzul Iman / ig: @heyjohnnn_